2018년 11월 20일 화요일

Muscles of Anterior compartment of lower leg

Muscles of Anterior compartment of lower leg

Tibialis anterior(TA)
Proximal lateral tibia(Gerdy’s tubercle)
Med. Cuneiform, plantar 1st metatarsal base
Deep peroneal
Dorsiflexion, invert foot
Test L4 motor function
Extensor hallucis longus(EHL)
Medial fibular, interosseous membrane
Base of distal phalanx of great toe
Deep peroneal
Dorsiflexion, extend great toe
Test L5 motor function
Extensor digitorum longus(EDL)
Lateral tibia condyle & proximal fibula
Base of middle & distal phalanges(4 toes)
Deep peroneal
Dorsiflexion, extend lateral 4 toes
Single tendon divides into four tendons
Peroneus tertius
Distal fibula, interosseous membrane
Base of 5th metatarsal
Deep peroneal
Dorsiflexion, evert foot(weak)
Often adjoined to the EDL

Ref) Netter’s concise orthopaedic anatomy P316

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