2018년 11월 16일 금요일

Patella tendinopathy

Patella tendinopathy
patellar tendinopathy

l  Clinical feature
n  Pain aggravated by activities
n  Most common site: deep attachment of the tendon to the inferior pole of the patella
n  Reproduce the patient’s pain
l  Ultrasound examination with doppler is more sensitive than MRI
n  Vascurality around the tendon
l  Overview of Management
n  Long recovery period
u  Require more than 3~6 months to recover
n  Relative tendon unloading
n  Progressive strengthening
n  Conservative treatment first
u  Require 6~12 months to return to sports after successful patella tendon surgery
l  Treatment
n  Local reduction
n  Strengthning
n  Soft tissue therapy
n  Cryotherapy
n  Pharmacotherapy
n  Injection theray: corticosteroid, blood injection(autologous blood, platelet-rich plasma)
n  Surgery

Ref) Clinical sports Medicine P 700,702

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