2018년 11월 17일 토요일

Ilitibial Band Friction Syndrome

Ilitibial Band Friction Syndrome

l  Clinical feature
n  Overuse injury presenting as lateral knee pain
n  Result of friction between the ITB and the underlying lateral epicondyle of the femur
n  Commonly seen in runners, cyclists, military recruits, and endurance athletes
l  Treatment
n  Local treatment
u  Ice, electrotherapy
u  NSAIDS may be helpful in the initial stages
u  Corticosteroid injection
n  Soft tissue treatment
u  Dry needling, self massage with a foam roll help to reduce muscle tension and tone in the ITB.
u  Stretching reduce the tension in the tensor fascia lata
u  ITB& Gluteus maximus muscle stretching
u  Strengthning of the hip external rotators and abductors
u  Surgery to release the ITB if conservative management fails.

Ref) Clinical sports Medicine P 720

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