2018년 11월 15일 목요일

Patellofemoral Pain syndrome

Patellofemoral Pain syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Diagram

l  Diagnosis
n  Patellofemoral joint syndrome, anterior knee pain, chondromalacia patellae
n  “Umbrella” term used absence of other pathologies
l  Contributing factor
n  Extrinsic factor
u  Body mass, speed of gait, surfaces, footwear
n  Remote intrinsic factors
u  Increased femoral internal rotation, increased apparent knee valgus, increased tibial rotation, pronated foot type, inadequate flexibility
n  Local intrinsic factor
u  Patella position, soft tissue contriction, neuromuscular control of the vasti

l  Treatment
n  Reduction pain
u  Resting+ Ice, medication, mobilization of patella, taping
n  Addressing extrinsic contributing factor
u  Reduce the load
n  Addressing intrinsic contributing factor
u  Remote factors: hip muscle retraining, improving musculotendinous compliance, foot orthoses.
u  Local factors: patella taping or bracing, improving lateral soft tissue compliance, generalized quadriceps strengthening or vasti retraining

Ref) Clinical Sports Medicine P.686,690,693

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