2014년 6월 12일 목요일

sustained clonus

Video Description

Significant and multiple beats of clonus in the left foot of a patient with cervical myelopathy.

Dimar et al review 104 patients with cervical myelepathy. They found 10 (9.6%) had sustained clonus at presentation. Here is the breakdown of other physical exam findings on presentation: "66 patients (63.5%) reported gait disturbance, 18 (17.3%) had handwriting changes, 33 (31.7%) complained of deterioration of dexterity, 56 (53.8%) had grasp weakness, 7 (6.7%) had bowel and bladder complaints, 27 (26.0%) had a positive Hoffmann sign, 10 (9.6%) had sustained clonus, and 10 (9.6%) had a positive Babinski sign."

Dimar JR 2nd, Bratcher KR, Brock DC, Glassman SD, Campbell MJ, Carreon LY. Instrumented open-door laminoplasty as treatment for cervical myelopathy in 104 patients. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2009 Jul;38(7):E123-8. PubMed PMID: 19714281. Level of Evidence: 2. PMID: 19714281 (Link to Pubmed)

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